Friday, 22 November 2019

Tips For Move-In Day

Move-in day can be stressful, especially if you’re coming from out of town. Yet, with some strategic planning, many of your worries can be alleviated. This list of helpful tips will guide you through moving into your new temporary home without any hassle.

Move-In Before Moving Day

If the option is available, try to move into your Ottawa student housing prior to move-in day. Some student rentals offer alternative move-in days for those coming from out of town, or for students who would simply prefer to move in sooner to avoid the rush. By moving in a day or so early, you can avoid long lines and crowded parking lots. Plus, while everyone else is moving in, you’ll already be at home relaxing with your feet up.

Arrive Early

If you can't move in on an alternate date, arrive at your student housing rental as early as you can. This way, you’ll avoid most of the traffic and parking around the building. Of course, be sure to follow instructions as provided by the staff and never leave your car or personal items unattended.

Bring Tools

For the utmost convenience, prepare a box with the essential items that you'll need while unpacking, such as scissors, duct tape, markers, and basic tools. Be sure to bring paper towels and spray to wipe down the room before unpacking. Basic tools such as screwdrivers will also come in handy if you plan on putting any furniture together upon moving in.

Dress for Move-In Day

Wear casual clothing that's comfortable and allows you to move around. Make sure you're also wearing comfortable shoes because you may have to go up and down lots of stairs. You'll be lugging boxes, bags, and other items up and down and back and forth, so make sure you've worn the appropriate clothing.

Prop Your Door Open

Depending on the building’s security rules, you may not be allowed to prop open any of the building’s main entry doors. Yet, you can prop open your apartment door with a doorstop or heavy item. For the protection of your valuables, you won’t want to do this for too long. Yet, for a brief period of time, it will be a huge help when you're bringing items inside.
With an open door, you may also make some friends on your first day in your new home, as neighbours might want to stop in and introduce themselves.

Meet Your Roommates

If you will have roommates, it's important to introduce yourself as soon as possible so that they know you're friendly. This will make the living situation much more comfortable, as you’ll be able to break the ice quickly with your new roommate and get any initial awkwardness out of the way.

Plan to Go Shopping

After you unpack, you may need to go shopping for a few last-minute items. You might also want to make a stop at the grocery store to fill your refrigerator with lots of treats and wholesome snacks so that you don't have to worry about feeding yourself through the first week of classes.

Saturday, 24 August 2019


Stress is an unfortunate but common part of university life. In fact, every university student experiences stress at some point, in some form. This stress could be related to academics, social struggles, relationships, homesickness, a housing dilemma, or a new environment. Whatever the source, stress can be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. It can also cause physical and mental health problems. Unfortunately, stress and its related health problems can be worse for some students than others, and in some cases, it can be overwhelming. Relaxation is one of the most effective ways to de-stress – check out a few relaxation techniques below.
Practice Meditation and Deep Breathing
Meditation is designed to be relaxing. It also improves focus, mental agility, critical thinking, and mental clarity – all things you will need as a university student – and it’s beneficial to mental and physical health. Improved mental health and performance can help improve your academic performance, and you can practice on your own, seek guidance, or use guided meditations. Guided meditations are the best options, as they’re readily available and can easily be downloaded to or accessed on your computer or mobile device. They’re also the best introduction to meditative practices. There are even some guided meditations designed for deep relaxation and stress relief. Deep breathing exercises offer similar benefits to meditation and can also be found in guided forms online or on mobile apps, as well.
Use Essential Oils
Pure essential oils like lavender, bergamot, chamomile, ylang ylang, vetiver, and rose are perfect for relaxation and stress relief. There are also essential oil mixes specifically designed for reducing stress. For stress relief, these oils can be applied topically, inhaled, added to a bath, or diffused. Within minutes, the smell of one or a combination of oils can provide a calming effect. For the greatest effects, add your selected oil(s) to a diffuser or a bath or apply it topically. If you're applying an oil topically, be sure to combine it with a carrier oil, like coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond to prevent skin irritation. On the other hand, a nice relaxing bath with calming essential oils is a great way to unwind after a busy day.
Listen to Music
Music can be inspirational and relaxing. It allows your mind to wonder, removing stressful thoughts, worries, and other unpleasantries. There’s even music and musical sounds specifically designed for stress relief, such as certain binaural beats. Of course, some music genres are inherently relaxing, like jazz and classical, which can be even more de-stressing, and some other genres can also help improve mental clarity and focus. No matter the type of music you prefer, listening to any music for at least five minutes can help to reduce stress, simply because of the general pleasurable effects that listening to music can offer.
There are many ways to relax and each person will have their own version of what it is that they find relaxing, but don't forget that a comfortable, safe environment is also key to relaxation and de-stressing. Our Ottawa student housing provides comfortable suites with private bedrooms, as well as a yoga studio that's perfectly equipped to help you unwind. To book a tour or for more information, please contact us: (613) 912-9800.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Affordable Date Ideas For University Students

Dating in university can be fun, exciting, and full of firsts. For many university students, however, it can also seem expensive. Don't let the fear of hefty restaurant bills and show tickets stop you from dating. There are plenty of ways to date affordably, and affordable or cheap dates can be just as, if not more, romantic than expensive dates.
Small romantic gestures can go a long way, especially if they’re creative. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Share a Romantic Dinner in Your Dorm or Apartment
Daily meal preparation might not always seem fun or easy, but a cool date can make the effort totally worthwhile. Make it more romantic by adding a theme, such as something that represents how you met, where you met, or something special that the two of you share. A dinner of chili, gingerbread cookies, and warm drinks could represent warmth and meeting in the winter or a shared love of the winter. Maybe your date loves to travel and a meal that includes foods from their favourite place will win you major brownie points. If you really want to make an impression, decorate your suite or university residence to go with the theme.
Binge Watch Their Favourite Movies or TV Shows
For a student on a budget, even going to the movies can be expensive. Luckily, streaming services, like Netflix, have plenty of films and TV shows to binge on. Find out which ones are your date’s favourite and invite them over for a binge-a-thon. Make your space cozy and don’t forget the snacks!
Plan a Romantic Picnic
It’s winter in Canada, so a picnic in the park is out of the question, but it doesn’t mean that picnics in general are out of the question. No matter the time of year or general setting, a picnic date is always a romantic idea. Since it’s cold outside, you could set your picnic up inside. In fact, you could have a picnic in either of your apartments, suites or dorm, where the weather is nice and you don’t mind the cold, you and your date could have a 'freeze out' picnic outdoors. Remember to dress for the weather with warm clothing and make sure your picnic basket includes warm, comforting food and drink. There’s nothing sweeter than sharing a warm thermos of hot chocolate and a blanket!
Attend a School Event
Most universities have school events happening year round. Plays, sporting events, school-sponsored concerts, etc. are great settings for dates. An exciting event with a fun atmosphere is also a great place to break the ice and ward off date-related nervousness. There’s also the added benefit of super cheap or free event tickets.
Use Your Student Discounts
If you’re determined to show your date a good time outside of campus, make sure to use your student discounts. These discounts will allow you to take your date to a movie, dinner, or out for a drink at cheaper prices. If you live at 1Eleven, take advantage of your resident discount card and save at several local businesses, as well. To make the date even more interesting and fun, visit multiple places, taking advantage of many discounts, and turning your date into several cool mini dates.

Saturday, 4 May 2019


Essay writing is a major component of the university academic curriculum for many programs. It can also be pretty daunting for anyone who has never written an essay for university. Get off to the best possible start or improve upon your existing writing skills with these tips.
Plan Your Paper
If you’re going to write a successful essay, you need to understand the topic and create a good plan. Good planning includes effective time-management, essay mapping, and goal completion. First, create a schedule and stick to it. Next, map out the steps for completing your paper. For example, the first step should be to choose a topic. Additional, important steps should be:
·        Do some research
·        Take notes from the research on your essay topic
·        Create an outline
·        Write your first draft
·        Submit the first draft to a writing centre, professor, or your peers for feedback
·        Use feedback to complete your final draft
·        Proofread before turning in the paper
While mapping your essay is important, you should also take note of and meet any milestones/deadlines set by your professor. These milestones will also help with essay planning and time management. However, setting your own milestones and/or goals could boost your confidence and performance. Mark these goals off as you complete them. The final step in a successful essay-writing plan is simply to turn in the paper on time.

Show Your Critical Thinking Skills
Unbeknownst to most university students, the true purpose of essay writing is to test and enhance critical thinking skills. Of course, essays can also be an expression of students’ general knowledge, understanding in certain areas, and learned skills. However, blatant critical thought and analysis may be the greatest testament to what a student knows and has learned. Critical thinking can also be the difference between an average essay and an excellent one. If you want yours to stand out, engage with the theories and arguments you present, provide an academic and intelligent analysis – don’t just repeat other authors’ points and thoughts or information from your research.
Understand the Topic
Not understanding the essay topic is actually the top reason why students receive failing grades on essay assignments. Before starting your paper, make sure you understand the topic or research questions, as well as your professor’s expectations for the paper. If you’re unsure, then ask questions – even the simple ones. It can be extremely helpful to simply ask what you should do on the paper. This will help you decide what and how much to research. Remember that some essay assignments require more in-depth research and analysis than others. However, make sure you perform targeted, concise research that thoroughly covers your essay topic or questions. Think of the process as similar to what you'd do when looking for the best student housing Ottawa has to offer. Your search should be as narrow as possible and be based on your needs and pre-determined criteria. And the more you know about what you're looking for, the better the results. This applies to writing a great essay and finding great housing!
Build a Solid Structure
An essay that flows well is easier to read and follow. It also aids in conveying your messages throughout the paper. So, make sure your essays always have a logical structure. The most basic structure, includes:
·        An introduction, stating your hypothesis or the main ideas of your essay
·        A body, presenting your main points or arguments
·        A conclusion, summarizing the main points covered in the essay and presenting any reflection on them
To ensure your paper follows this basic structure, just create an outline to use as a guide. This will also help you create a focused argument or story arc. Furthermore, a strong structure can ensure your paper stays on track and only covers points relevant to the essay topic. Additionally, the order of your paragraphs should make the paper cohesive and comprehensive. Just remember to use logical transitions between the main points and paragraphs and reorder them as needed. Good luck!

Friday, 8 March 2019

The Dangers of Procrastination When You’re A University Student

Procrastination can affect anyone, but it's common among university students. There are a lot of distractions when you're a student and many things that may seem more fun than completing assignments and studying. The truth is, procrastination can be dangerous and even disastrous when you're a student. Check out a few of the dangers of procrastination below and take steps to avoid them.

The Quality of Your Work Can Suffer

When you start an assignment too close to its due date (e.g. a day before the deadline), it may be impossible to deliver your best work. A small timeframe or tight deadline could impede creativity and suppress your best ideas. Rushed work may also not be reflective of your talents or abilities and can lead to low quality work and failing grades. Plus, most major assignments and/or projects require weeks of research and planning. Neglecting this research and planning process could make your assignment or project less detailed and polished.

Procrastination Can Cause Stress and/or Anxiety

University can be full of stressors and anxiety-inducing conditions, including heavy workloads, a new social environment or pressure, homesickness, etc. However, unknown to many, procrastination is a common culprit of stress and anxiety for university students. The longer you procrastinate, the more you worry, the closer the deadlines become, and the more work piles up. Short deadlines and more work can cause pressure, compounding stress and anxiety. Most university assignments or projects are typically broken down into and meant to be completed in steps. Leaving all the work to the last minute can make an assignment larger and more complicated than it should be. Large, complicated projects are inherently stress and anxiety-inducing.

It Can Compromise Your Academic Record

How you work affects the quality of your work and how much you get done. With (self-imposed) tighter deadlines, it’s likely you’ll finish less and pay less attention to detail, offering lower quality work. Eventually, this could lead to falling grades. Chronic procrastination could also lead to complete academic failure, especially if it causes you to miss deadlines, and this can sidetrack your academic goals. If these types of issues persist or worsen, they could eventually lead to academic probation or worse.

It Can Negatively Affect Your Social Life

For many people, an active social life is one of the best parts of being a university student. During university, you meet new people, experience new things, and pass into a new phase of life. Procrastination can actually  put all of this in jeopardy, because if you're always finishing your work at the last minute or cramming for tests, there's a greater chance you will be forced to miss social events and time spent with friends.

Procrastination Can Lower Confidence and Self-Esteem

For many, it’s difficult to feel self-confident when you constantly put things off to the last minute. Not only can procrastination cause low self-esteem, it can result from low self-esteem, and the more you procrastinate, the worse you feel about yourself. Low self-esteem can compromise your academic performance and social life, and it can lead to social isolation, anxiety, stress and even depression.

If you find yourself pushing more and more of your work off to the last minute, make a commitment to change the way you tackle assignments and studying. Get started now, before exam season starts!
Looking for comfortable, fun and stylish student apartments in Ottawa? Simplify your search and book a tour of 1Eleven today.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Tips For Transitioning From Living At Home To Living With Roommates

For college and university students, living away from home can be fun, exciting and filled with possibilities. It can be even more fun and interesting when you’re living with roommates, although, there can sometimes be a transition period when you first start living together and adjust to each other's lifestyles and routines. Fortunately, most difficulties can be overcome when you have established household rules and every roommate takes care of their responsibilities. Good roommates can make moving from home to student housing fun, but there are some things you can do to make the transition and living with others easier. Check it out:

Set Some Ground Rules

Rules are the key to surviving on your own and with roommates. They play a major role in living in a peaceful environment and establishing a healthy relationship with your roommate(s). Have a meeting with your roommate(s) and set some ground rules immediately after moving into your new space. These rules should include:
  •          Respecting each other’s privacy, e.g. setting rules for entering each other’s rooms, borrowing things or eating others' food, and being quiet during study times, etc.
  •          Dividing the chores (including cooking) and any bills equally and fairly
  •          Establishing rules for guests (especially overnight guests) and parties
  •          Guidelines for using communal spaces, i.e. the living area, kitchen and bathroom(s)
  •          Setting rules for how grievances should be aired and addressed
Learn Proper Communication

If you don’t know how to communicate well, it doesn’t matter what ground rules you set. Proper communication is essential to fostering good relationships and resolving issues. This is especially true when you’re living with others. However, communication is much more than simply talking. It also includes the method of communication, the approach used, the tone of voice employed, the undertone (or the way words are said), body language and more. When combined, all of these things can help tell others how you’re feeling, as well as how they should behave or react. For example, respectfully airing your grievances and listening to others is the most effective way to resolve issues. In fact, it’s much more effective than leaving notes, taking passive-aggressive actions without explanations, ignoring others or simply allowing the issues to continue.

If you have an issue with a roommate, set aside a time to talk, calmly explain your grievances, and most importantly, tell them how this issue makes you feel. Allowing discomfort to build and aggressively confronting a roommate or taking passive aggressive action could cause undue tension. It could also have severe consequences, making your home environment unbearable for you and others. Remember to:
  •          Listen as much as you speak
  •          Learn and seek to understand any cultural, social and personal differences between you and your roommate(s) and how they affect your living situation
  •          Don’t yell at or belittle others and try to walk away if others do these things to you
  •          Respect others, their words and their points of view
  •          Be open and honest
  •          Don’t talk nastily or disrespectfully about any of your roommates with the others
  •          Ask and present points for making certain situations better for all parties involved
  •          Be flexible and compromise where necessary and possible
Get to Know Your Roommates

It’s easier to get along with others when you have a basic understanding of their personality, habits, likes and dislike, etc. However, you can’t gain a basic understanding of your roommates if you don’t get to know them. And getting to know them involves spending some time together. Although college can keep you busy, you shouldn’t neglect spending quality time with others. Fortunately, living with roommates makes quality time more convenient. It also makes it easier to create bonds. And roommate bonds are often special and unique.
So, plan some ‘roomie time.’ You could schedule a movie or game night, plan to go clubbing together, host a party, create a roomie-only study group, attend concerts or school-sponsored events together and so much more. No matter what you do, show the people that you live with that you appreciate them, as well as that you care about connecting with them and learning about who they are.

Of course, not everyone is well suited for living with roommates – and that's okay, too. If you live alone in any furnished bachelor apartment Ottawa has to offer, for instance, you won’t have to worry about roommates or setting ground rules, but the best possible living situation depends on your personality and lifestyle preferences or habits.